音樂可以促進孩子們認知(包括專注及記憶力)、言語(理解及表達)、肌能協調及社交情緒方面發展。這講座闡述音樂對腦部不同區域的刺激及強化作用,與及音樂如何成為他們整體發展中強大及無可替代的工具。科研證據顯示音樂能夠促進腦神經網絡的建造,進而加強了腦部組織的類化能力,譬如因彈鋼琴強化了小肌能的運用,該能力便可用作其它非音樂的用途,譬如操作鍵盤。這講座還會講述進行音樂訓練的方法及態度,以至獲得這些裨益。 | |
對象: | 家長、老師、家長、訓練人員、社工及任何有興趣人士 |
內容: |
日期: | 待訂 |
時間: | 6:30pm-8:00pm |
名額: | 4-8位 歡迎自組(電郵或電話查詢收費) |
講者: | 中心總監彭嘉華-資深音樂治療師, 輔導學碩士, 音樂學士(音樂治療) |
地點: | 彭氏音樂治療中心 – 上環文咸東街89-93號 文樂大廈6樓B室 [Google Map] |
收費: | HK$600- |
查詢: | 2815-0688(pm)何小姐 |
我很高興能在朋友的力薦和陪伴下,有機會學習這個課程。對於一個不喜歡讀書的我來說,是一個毅力的考驗。幸好,除了第一個單元比較學術性及沉悶外(或許是整個課程的熱身),其餘的我都會期盼星期一的來臨,尤其是單元二至單元六!綜觀整個課程的設計,既學術性,又實用 – 從最基本的 “甚麼是音樂治療” 到 “腦神經音樂治療”,當中不但反映出這課程的專業性,更是彭老師經過多年來的學習教授和實戰中所得出來的寶貴成果。令我們明白到不單要有知識和理論,擁有多少張彈奏樂器的 “沙紙”,更重要的還是怎樣把兩者結合之餘,再配合一些治療的技巧和活動的設計及訓練,讓我們逐步地認識,嘗試,掌握及運用,從而更有效地去幫助那些有需要的小朋友。若要我選出最喜愛的單元,我會選擇單元三和單元四。一個是自己喜歡的敲擊樂,另一個則是治療技巧的運用 – 縱然每堂都要戰戰兢兢的做實習;不然,老師怎能透過它去給我們寶貴的矯正和意見,使我們更能明白和有效地運用呢?!若要問對課程有甚麼提議和改善的地方。
第一,我想可以把 “怎樣用音樂治療去改善讀寫障礙” 這個課題納入課程中。因為越來越多人,不論是小朋友或成年人都發現有這個毛病!其次是能否把那些2.5小時的課堂調整至2小時呢?嘻嘻!!老實說,這課程對於我來說是一門嶄新的學問和就以上所提及,是我一個毅力的考驗。基本上沒有甚麼特別的期望;但經歷了一整年的學習和實習,“甚麼是音樂治療?” “音樂真的能帶進治療中?” “音樂治療的威力” 常走進我的思緒中。
越學習/實習,越想學習/實習更多;越體驗到它的威力,越想去利用它來幫助有需要的人;儘管要花的心力有多少,所需要的時日有多長,只要見到受助的人有一丁點兒的進步,已開心不已和也是值得的!當提到實習,一幅既喜且悲的圖畫常縈嬈在腦間,就是父母們不但鍥而不捨的為子女四出奔走,尋找或報讀一些希望能改善他們智能和行為的課程;有些還放棄了工作,犧牲他們私人的時間去專一陪伴子女學習,萬事都以他們為先…… 因此,音樂治療的出現,或多或少都會帶給他們另一條出路!
課程的設計把我們這十二隻 “嘩鬼” 由從不相干到渾成一體,把 “三最” – 最活潑、最有趣、最 “唔停口” 顯露無遺;但我相信阿Sir大人不記小人過,一定會不介意的…… 哈哈!!
My comment on the program is positive. I gained much in each module of the program.For module 1, I got an overview of what music therapy is. This helped me in starting to know the profession. The suggestion of “techniques” for different objectives gave me the linkage between music and special education training. The instruments introduced were new to me.
Module 1 was a good start.I had longed-for module 2 for a long time as I always enjoy listening to guitar. Attending to this module was one of the reason for me to join the program. I acquired basic skills (indeed very basic) for playing guitar. Every session in this module was peaceful for me, especially after a whole-day work. This was also a stepping stone to carry out a session with music. By the way, although blues is seldom used in sessions with kids, I do like that part.Module three was another module I like. Djembe is cool. I like the way Mr. Pang taught: start from the very beginning and practice a lot.
The Clave beat is difficult but I enjoyed a lot. Playing djembe with classmates using different grooves gave me sense of fulfillment.Module 4 gave me an important reminder: reinforcement is critical in special education. As a speech therapist, I am quite familiar with the behavioural management techniques Mr. Pang mentioned in my professional training course. However, for me, sometimes they are not clinically well used. This module helped me re-organize the framework of behavioural management and evaluate my clinical skills. After this module, I see reinforcement as a crucial part in my treatment sessions. It also stimulated my thinking on behavioural management.The accompaniment skills learnt in module 5 were useful as it provided the activity repertoire of music therapy for our reference. I had a general idea of what is like in a music therapy session. On the other hand, I think the layout of the handout can be more organized so that we can check the activities more easily.Like module 4, I am also quite familiar with the skills introduced in module 6. It gave a revision on goal setting and evaluation of treatment effectiveness.In module 7, I learnt more about sensorimotor training. I will investigate this area more.When it comes to the practicum part, I think the feedback sessions were great. Videotaping two sessions was appropriate. Feedbacks given by Mr. Pang were useful.
As a speech therapist and music lover, I would like to integrate music into my treatment sessions. I can see the effectiveness of the use of music on kids. Music makes kids happy, improves their attention and learning motivation. They can be a better learner in the presence of music. Some children who are pre-verbal can be stimulated by music and start to vocalize. When they know to vocalize they start to develop their language skills. Music is magical. All in all, the course fulfilled my expectation. It improves me in terms of personal and professional development.
Module 1- Music Therapy for children with special needs
This was a very clear and precise introduction to music therapy. Not only concepts of Behavioral Music Therapy and use of music in different areas of development were introduced in a very interesting manner, different important techniques such as FITB, MIT, patschen, Pang’s body signs for solfege and vocal training etc. were also presented clearly. It was interesting to watch some video clips to have an idea of what music therapy was like.
Module 2- Guitar
Although it was not my first time to learn guitar (I used to play classical guitar), I had not played it for quite a while and this quick start course refreshed my memory and the teaching of different strumming techniques was very practical. I particularly liked the part we learned how to play blues and improvise using the pentatonic scale.
Module 3- Djembe
This module was really fun and I enjoyed it very much. The improvisation practices before each lesson were good to practise musicianship skills. Having different groups playing different rhythms at the same time was great fun.
Module 4- Practicum course
This module was very practical because it did not only introduce different behavioral techniques, but it also gave all the students chances to practise using those techniques in class. The use of Q-chord and repertoire of children’s songs in the handbook were also very useful.
Module 5- Music Activity Repertoire
This was another very practical module to give us an idea of the music activities and teaching procedures we could use in therapy sessions. It was good to have opportunities to think of music activities ourselves and to practise using them in class. The assignments to write solfege to vocabularies, lyrics to simple melodies and a a30-minute session plan were all essential for practicing my skills.
Module 6- Case Analysis & Assessment
It was interesting and practical to know about available assessments for children with special needs. The concepts of pinpoint and consequate were significant when practicing music therapy. They were clearly presented and the assignments reinforced my learning. It was also beneficial to watch and analyze a case presented by Mr. Pang.
Module 7- Neurological Music Therapy
This was a very interesting module to learn more about different functions of different parts of the brain and different techniques used in neurologic music therapy. I was fascinated when I watched the video clips showing how patients suffering from stroke and Alzheimer’s disease perform in NMT sessions. I could see the power of music working for those undergoing rehabilitation.
Module 8- On-site Practicum
These were very practical and helpful sessions to apply what I learnt in the course in giving therapy sessions to a child with special needs. Prior to each session, I had to think and plan carefully about the music activities, teaching procedures and behavioral techniques I had to use to suit the child’s level and needs. I had to think about the sequence of activities to make the flow of the session smoother. During the sessions, I had to react and respond quickly to the child’s behavior and executed different behavioral techniques to help the child succeed in the tasks.
Module 9- Feedback sessions
These sessions were very significant and helpful to help me improve my skills. It was also a good opportunity to watch what other classmates were doing and learned from their experiences.On the whole, I think the program was very practical and each part of it was important and essential for practicing music therapy. It would be even better if I had practicum sessions with another child to gain more experience in teaching children with different needs and dealing with different kinds of behavioral problems.I think my expectation of the program is fulfilled in many ways. It gave me what exactly I needed to know to use music in therapy . It has broadened my knowledge of the subject and increased my interest in pursuing to be a person to use music to help people with special needs.
First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Pang and all the classmates for all the wonderful Wednesday night classes together. Classes are full are laughers, giggles…… which are fun and very enjoyable.Music is a universal language that no one can deny. Music also has its special power and magic on everyone in the world. As a music lover for me, before I participate this course, I can’t think of how music is being used to be as a therapy to help people who are in need. Indeed, I go for this course because I can study with my friend, Ka Nam again, whom is my university classmate, almost 10 years ago. What’s more, I can have an in depth understanding about music therapy, which I was longed to study before.
The whole course is much better than I expected. First of all, I can have an overview and introduction about the profession of Music Therapy from Module 1. In Module 2 and 3, I can learn playing guitar, Djembe and percussion, which help me in the field of music therapy. They are necessary for music therapists. Although I want to learn guitar for a long time, I think because of this course, it is a good time for me to learn guitar and enjoy it! It’s really cool! In Module 4, I can learn how to face client with different theories, such as reinforcement and behavioral management. In module 5, accompanying skills and planning of various music activities can be learnt. In Module 6, I can know more about how music therapists write goals and pinpoints. For Module 7, I can know more about Neurology Music Therapy. Module 8 and 9 are the most vital parts of the whole course: practicum and the feedback session. This allows me to put what I have learnt into the real life and have a taste of music therapist. Theory is always easy, but when come to the practicum part, it is very difficult. All the tasks I have to plan carefully because my client is a serious mentally retarded child, so school visit and sit-in class have to be done before practicum. All these experiences are valuable and worth learning.
The program can fulfill my expectations. This lets me understand more about music therapy and allows me to practice using what I have learnt during this course. Though I seldom face SEN children in daily life, the theories like behavioral-management and task analysis, are very useful and practical to my piano teaching. Before studying this course, I perceive music as my interest to enjoy, appreciate and I treat it as a life-long career, but now I perceive music also as an efficient tool to help people in need as well.
Last but not least, I am honored to be in part of the class. Though the class is at night time, it is enjoyable, pleasure and relax from hectic work. I hope that I can gain more experience in helping people by means of music and can further studies music therapy in the coming future. Thank you everyone in this class again, especially Mr. Pang!
Module 1: Music Therapy & Children with Special Needs
Module 2: Guitar
Module 3: Improvisation Skills, Djembes (African drum) and Percussions
學習非洲鼓及即興創作,對我是新的嘗試。課堂中所學習的技巧及節奏,讓我對非洲鼓的演奏有基本的掌握。最開心是和班中的同學一起即興演奏,好好玩!Module 4: Music Therapy & Children with Special Needs – Practicum course
Module 5: Music Activity Repertoire and Accompaniment Skills
Module 6: Assessment and Case Analysis
Module 7: Neurologic Music Therapy (NMT)
Module 8&9: On-site Practicum & Practicum Briefing and Feedback Sessions
I have to say I am learning less than the course has taught. Module one is impressive , I did not realize the power of music through research and proof, and I did not know the practicality of behavioral approach I look forward to know. The module gave me the motivation to know.The guitar course also illustrated to me the step by step teaching method and the meaning of task analysis. This is more important than what song s and chords we can learn in 8 lessons. I enjoyed the music and also appreciated the number of cantonese songs written merely for the children in needs. Djembe gave me some difficult times, though the exercises itself were not too complicated, I wish I know more the fun of it by applying drum playing to the ones needed.Module 4 and 5 are the most useful modules, though one never know until we have to go to the practicum sessions. The skills and activities are designed and taught from the simplest to the most complicated, they were clearly illustrated and can be applied according to the levels of the children. The more we use, the more we know. Module 6 is something for extension, music therapy is a multi-discipline profession, one cannot do it without the medical knowledge and knowledge of the origin of physical discrepancies in the clients. Module 7 gave us some ideas what the real situation would like, module 8 wraps and makes us understand why we need to take the previous 7 modules. So, the design of the modules are complete indeed, and no matter how unclear and unconscious we were in the previous modules, on the practicum, we will all wake up.My expectation of the program is fulfilled in the following ways. Firstly , it is the understanding of behavioral approach in theory and practice. I have doubts in behavioral approach before, thinking that it is mechanical and inhumane, and clients only learn skills superficially and not solving their root problem if it is emotional problem. Yet after the practicum sessions, one believes most emotional problems can also be solved by behavioral ways provided it is done correctly. Secondly, the practicum also teaches me to be proactive instead of passive, to be consistent than to be arbitrary, these changes my whole attitude in the session making the situation turns from losing to winning. Also, the practicum also teaches me that changes often made in the small and basic things, not in the big and things we see on the surface.I would like to use what I learn in the volunteering work I do. I believe this can help the people in need both physically and psychologically. I wish I can be more sensitive and cautious for their needs.Thank you again for your teaching and experience shared. The course provides me a very thorough knowledge base as well a right attitude for music therapy. God blesses you and your work.
I have gained a lot in the course, and I found that music therapy is extremely useful in teaching children. I use the techniques very often in my every day language therapy sessions. And my clients do learn more from me!
First of all, I want to thanks all my teacher and classmates that provided me many happy Monday nights. I do enjoy learning music with you all!In my opinion, the overall professional certificate in Music Therapy course is much better than I expected. First of all, I can understand more about the basic definition of Music Therapy from module one. Besides, I can learn playing different kinds of musical instruments which help me in the field of music therapy, for example: guitar, djembe and percussions etc. which is necessary for music therapists and suits my interests as well. Also I can know more ways about how to face children such as using reinforcement suitably and the ways to plan different interesting music activities to our children. In module six, I can know more about how a therapist writes goals and pinpoints etc. to help a child with special needs. For module seven, can broaden my studies in the professional aspects especially for the seriously injured patients.
For the most important part in the course is that, the practicum and the feedback sessions I had. This allows me to put what I have learnt into the real life and practicing as a music therapist. I do have a memorable time with my client and learning time within this year, which is worth spending time on it. Although the course is already good enough from my point of view, if the course can last longer and every module can discuss the subject deeper, we must have gain more within the course.The program do fulfilled my expectations as I have mentioned above. This let me understand more about music therapy and allow me to practice using what I have learnt inside the classroom. This is really valuable and worth learning I think. Apart form that, the time that all classmates discussing and learning together is my treasure time. I know many people that love music as well.
Every time when we have class, I do enjoy very much although the class held every working night.After studied this program, my knowledge base for music therapy is being enriched. My attitude for using music activities to help children with special needs is even more open as I understand how to get good use of music to raise children’s interest in learning.As I love music so much, I do hope that I can use music to facilitate change in people who are in need. I am now working as a special child care worker and cooperating with different therapist to help train children who are in need. I discovered that different therapists use different tools to help them. Music is one of the efficient tools to help children learn I think. Every child loves music, and music is a kind of language that all of us can use for communicate. As a whole, I do want to be a registered music therapist one day!Last but not least, I am planning to further my study in Music Therapy in the coming year. I hope that I can gain more experience in helping people in need by using music!
My favourite modules in the course are Music Activity Repertoire and Accompaniment Skills and NMT. There were loads of activities and techniques I can apply, and the explanation and theory behind supporting the activities make the treatment application much more clearly goal-directed i.e. no more ‘to improve attention’ kind of vague and non-measureable goals. Before the course, I have read some ABA materials but module 4 Music therapy and Children with Special Needs had explained ABA techniques in a simple, easy to understand and practical way. It has reminded me lots of important details like catching the ‘right response’ to reward and ‘only reward the correct response’. Amazingly it even make parenting much easier! The assessment and case analysis module have also stressed on the importance of setting measurable goal which is highly important for evaluating the treatment progress. Also I like how it guided us to actually analyze the cause and core problems behind the manifested behaviors. Of course the last feedback module is very important to bring the theory and knowledge into practice. Peer observation and feedback from Mr. Pang help to bring attention into practical details when carrying out the activities.I really enjoyed the whole course as all the materials are well prepared, Mr. Pang also taught in a fun way using lots of practical examples.
The only things I wish I could learn more from this course, is the techniques to teach children with special needs to play the African Drum as I am still not too confident and also not sure where to start to teach them to play, and also more techniques to use for children older than preschool age o higher functional levels to sing, as most of the activities and songs covered in the course targeted towards younger children.
My expectation on the program has mostly been fulfilled. I have learned lots of activities some theory behind ABA method, music therapy, neurological changes behind the therapy and some simple African drum and guitar techniques. However I have to actually apply the activities to different clients in individual and group settings to be able to choose the right activities and handling methods, and even raise some more questions I am sure I can learn even more from Mr. Pang.
I really appreciate how the program changes my knowledge in how music can help children MORE than using traditional training methods. The way it can be repeated without boredom, the way the rhythm helps the coordination and memory, how it can motivate people, how it stimulates speech using an alternative pathway in the brain. They are very amazing tools to help children, or even anyone, with special needs. I truly enjoy to help people using these techniques, I am a music player, and an occupational therapist, but never knew how to combine these abilities to help my son and other people in need. Pure music was more for leisure e.g. teaching people to play piano. Pure OT in motor training, especially in fine and gross motor training exercises can be a bit boring at times. Combining music with training is much more fun and motivating for repetitions. Also it helps the accuracy and control as it adds the factor of ‘speed’ to the training. One more important thing too, is now I am more confident in adding cognitive and speech components into my treatment plans as there were many activities I have learned in the course to use to improve these areas for clear goals.
I want to say a big thank you for teaching and organizing this course, as a mother of a special needs child and a therapist. As time goes by, I start to realize the mothers are the most important teacher for their children. Because they are the ones spending the most time with their children with special needs, especially for those who cannot really find a place in any schools in Hong Kong. During the waiting period, with this extra knowledge, my son can benefit a lot. Honestly 90% of the speech therapists we have seen could not help my son. (It seems like his condition is particularly poor especially with his weak attention, masking his true word-finding issues) Only a couple of very experienced ones managed to advice me some techniques which are actually useful. But so far the MIT and fill-in-the –blanks are two of the few best-working techniques. Through some other music activities, I could actually see his true ability as it is more relaxing and motivating! In the future I will keep reviewing the materials and trying out the other techniques. Hopefully if you have any updated workshops, please do let us know and I will definitely be interested to join. Thank you Mr. Pang!
Module 1 | 音樂治療縱覽 : 由概念原理、學派認識、影片例證等;對音樂治療有交廣義的了解。以及音樂治療對社交情緒、肌能訓練、認知能力、學習語言效能的幫助有初步的認知。 |
Module 2 | 學習結他,彭先生能深入淺出地,使學員在短時間內掌握彈奏技巧。我亦認同結他是一種有音程而又輕便實用的治療樂器。 |
Module 3 | 學習 djembe 及 percussion,節拍及比較用易即興的演繹的訓練。 |
Module 4 | 學習治療時會用的理念、方法及技巧,是一實用篇。 |
Module 5 | 學習設計活動技巧及如何實踐,即塲示範,能親身體驗。 |
Module 6 | 學習個案分析及評估:要開始實習時必然要學的課題。 |
Module 7 | 學習腦神經和音樂治療的關係:對大腦結構與音樂的反應區:更能實證到音樂治療的效能。 |
Module 8 | 實習:實戰篇,會發現很多問題及從未遇過的驚喜。 |
Module 9 | 回授時段:最能吸收及受用的環節。 |
Being a music lover and a health care worker, music therapy appears to be very tempting at all times. The lack of formal music therapy course and registration in Hong Kong keeps me away from the field for decades. Thanks to the commencement of this Professional certificate course, which provided me a precious opportunity to be exposed to the field and explore more about music therapy. This is a very comprehensive course which comprises of theories and practical components. The final practicum module is especially useful in bridging the learnt theories and practice.
Mr. Pang is kind enough to share his professional knowledge and experience with us, who plays the visual recordings of his music therapeutic sessions on children with special needs in class. He also demonstrates different techniques in handling different skills. This is truly beneficial to us, for we can learn by observations in the first place, and internalize what we have seen to generate new music activities which are well-suited to our clients. We can also compare our plans with his, so that we can know what we are deficient in.The interactive mode of teaching and learning makes the class more interesting, and we are able to share our experience and thoughts with on another, in exchange of instant feedback from our teacher. The practical modules, which include guitar and djembe skills, are especially helpful being powerful tools in drawing our targets’ attention and concentration.The experience in the practicum is even more fruitful as we can use all we have learnt in the course, and try to apply the theories into practice, adding the component to react spontaneously with regards to the response of our client. It is encouraging to see our client grow and change positively after a few sessions of training held by ourselves.
Furthermore, it is surprising that the coordinator of the center of practicum reveals her will in recommending us to be their part-time tutors in therapeutic music activities, disregarding our experience, though subject to approval by their head office.The practicum evaluation session at the beginning of our practicum gives us ample room to improve and the directions given by Mr. Pang enlightened our minds. I very much agree with a comment made by Mr. Pang during the practicum evaluation session that it is worthy to work on musical expressions. Music is a universal language, and is a very impressive weapon in behavioral therapy like ours. Music expressions should be extravagant and attractive enough so that ultimate behavioural changes can be made. Moreover, if we are on our best at each music therapy session, there is nothing to regret. Our client should be able to gain something valuable our of the therapy session, and this is just the same for us.I am a volunteer of a creative music group in Agency for Volunteer Service, targeted on underprivileged children with physical/mental impairment or those coming from a low-income or single family, as well as those new immigrants. The contents of the course equip me to be an all-rounded volunteer, that I become more confident in planning and conducting music activities nowadays.
Moreover, I have just discovered that there is a Saturday Service for autistic children in my church. I am thankful for being gifted with the knowledge for serving God and those autistic children and family.After all, this is a very practical course. I would appreciate more if all reading materials can be written in English, or bilingually; as it would be quite difficult for us to relate some learnt English terms with novel Chinese ones in some modules. Further, if the course can be more generally recognized and if it can be converted to a music therapy course of a higher level, this would be even more valuable and attractive to students like myself. Finally, it would be even more appreciative, if working opportunity or research activity to be done in partnership with Pang’s Music Therapy Centre can be arranged.
I was a nurse and I have long been thinking of applying music in curing people. I witness the limitations of physical treatments. I realize patients, actually everyone, need psychological comfort besides physical treatments. It is my honour to be in part of the class. I enjoyed this professional certificate in music therapy (children with special needs) program much. It is really a pleasure to relax from busy and hectic work, especially in Hong Kong , in a week. I usually feel so tired and exhausted on Mondays, but surprisingly I didn’t feel so on every class, which is on Mondays. I have a lot of time with laughter at class. Playing music in a group is particularly fun. Moreover, the course recalls me a lot of good memories learning music in the past when I was small. I like life with music.
Module 1 | This module gives me a very overall description and briefing of what music therapy is. I recall some past memories when I deal with children with mental retardation and autism. I perceive this course as a very good start of the certification course. |
Module 2 | I enjoyed this module very much. Playing guitar is fun. Fun is doubled along with singing. Moreover, I have a great felling of accomplishment after I can sing several songs with guitar. And I decided to learn guitar more professionally after this module as well. |
Module 3 | I haven’t played djembe before and it is a very new instrument to me. I have never thought of a djembe can produce so much varieties of sounds and rhythms. I get the feeling of being in jungle. |
Module 4 | Starting from this module, I start to learn some basic theories in performing a music therapy lesson plan. It is very interesting to role play at class and practically get some experiences on hands. |
Module 5 | I have never imagined such a detailed repertoire have to be finished after a class. I understand why therapists have so much paper work after work. However, I also agree that repertoire is very important in assessment progress, both by the therapist as well as third parties. |
Module 6 | I perceive that every case becomes complicated when the case has to be assessed. |
Module 7 | It is a good module. A lot of theories re learnt in addition to the knowledge I obtained in my nursing degree. |
Module 8 | Said is always easier than done. When I come across the case, I cannot express my confused felling and uncontrolled situation which I have never thought of. Being a music therapist is not easy. It really requires long time of hands on practicing. |
Module 9 | I learnt a lot in the feedback session. I realize a lot of weaknesses and mistakes from others’ observations. |
I gain more than expected from this certificate course. I learn more underlying theories as well as practical skills in a music therapy sessions. It is always said that music is a universal language and I sincerely perceive that is correct. Music has its special magic on everyone in the world. Therefore, I would love to apply music to people who are in need, though I may still need a long way in practicing my skills on real cases.
Again, it is my honour to be able to join the course this year. Moreover, it is really pleasant to learn and play music with a group of friends who are enthusiastic in music as well. By the way, if the center or any organization needs nursing professionals, I would not hesitate to help.
Thank you very much for all your hard work and fun which have been brought to us. The happy memories will be sustained in my life forever.
單元一 “Music Therapy & Children with Special Needs” 非常簡明扼要地介紹了音樂治療的理念、對象、基本技巧及音樂對人,特別是兒童言語、肌能、認知和社會方面發展的影響,令我對音樂治療有了更清晰和準確的認識。結他是我非常希望學習的其中一樣樂器,兒時也曾經學過幾小時,但最終也無疾而終。
單元二的QuickStart Guitar除了讓我可以學習到結他最基本的彈奏方法,和弦,還竟可令我在短短的幾堂後就能夠自彈自唱的一些簡單的兒歌和流行曲,實在非常神奇!
我曾經學習過三個月的爵士鼓,很享受節奏帶來的歡快感覺,所以我很喜歡單元三的Djembe學習,特別是學員們分組打不同的節奏,卻帶出非常和諧的合奏,讓我沉醉當中。而且Djembe的基本打法,也啟發我在帶領學生演奏其他樂器 ( 如搖鼓 ) 時能夠造出更具變化的音色。
單元四 ”Practicum Course” 進一步教授不同的行為技巧,也提供機會讓學員嘗試運用,令我們可以互相學習之餘,也為之後的實習打好基礎。其中的技巧,特別是行為定律: Antecedance – Behavior – Consequence ,我也嘗試運用在平常教學中,收效也不少。
單元五 ”Music Activity Repertoire & Accompaniment Skills” 中列舉了多種的治療活動,也啟發了我們因應不同的治療目標設計更多的活動,更開始嘗試去計劃一個治療程序,將過往幾個單元的知識融會其中。
單元六 ”Case Analysis & Assessment” 是一個非常有用的單元,因為我們可學習到評估的方法,以及如何設定更準確的治療目標和行為準則。在提升我們觀察、分析的能力之餘,也可以幫助我們設計更有效的治療程序。
單元七 ”Neurologic Music Therapy” 讓我對大腦結構和功用認識加深外,還不得不驚嘆於音樂的奇妙作用,同時也很佩服和感激這些醫生、治療師等能夠研究和設計出這麼有效的治療活動,幫助到有不同需要的人。